How can I help you?

Interested in Coaching?

Unlock your potential to improve your performance to achieve goals in a specific area

Career Coaching

Own your career and reach informed decisions about career development. Coaching will give you the time and space to consider what you want and options for how you can there.

Pre-Retirement Coaching

Plan your next chapter with a confidential and transformational approach. We are not going to be discussing your financial situation, but rather we will give you the opportunity to think through your options and goals.

More about coaching

Let’s talk Recruitment

Hiring Managers

Find the best person for your team and grow
 with confidence. I've been a Recruiter for 30 years and am part of a national network of independent Recruitment specialists. Be assured of full confidentiality when we talk.

Job Seekers

If you are looking for your next permanent job we are happy to give advice and information on the local job market. We are no longer working in the Temp or Temp to Perm sector. ALL OUR LIVE JOBS ARE DISPLAYED ON OUR LinkedIn PAGE.

 CLICK HERE to see our current LIVE JOBS on LinkedIn

More about recruitment

situated in Ludlow, Shropshire

About me

I offer coaching along with recruitment services based on 30 years’ experience of running Working Solutions, based in central Ludlow.

In that time my team and I have placed over 8,000 people in jobs in the Marches area as well as further afield. I am now specialising in recruiting for permanent vacancies in and around the Marches area.

Here are some excerpts from recommendations from my LinkedIn page LinkedIn:

More about Working Solutions

Julia chatting in a podcast about recruitment, coaching, psychometrics and careers with Simon and Mark on Sunshine Radio, March 2025

Why choose
Working Solutions?

  • FOR BUSINESSES SEEKING TALENT:                   I have extensive expertise including a deep understanding of the Shropshire and Herefordshire job markets. This enables me to provide streamlined and efficient recruitment processes to identify the people you need to grow your business.
  • I have an enviable record of successful recruitment placements and career transformations.
  • I offer a tailored approach for businesses 
and individuals.
  • FOR JOB SEEKERS AND CANDIDATES:             I provide bespoke support with tools to help you excel in your job applications as well as providing career coaching to work with you as you clarify your goals and priorities.
  • With the power of DiSC profiling, I offer insightful assistance in all aspects of work.

Contact us today

What is the purpose of Psychometrics?

DiSC® can be used to address the following challenges:
  • Leadership & Management Development
  • Sales Performance
  • Team Development
  • Recruitment and Selection
  • Management Consultancy
  • Coaching, Career Mapping & Counselling
  • Talent Management & Succession Planning
  • Personal Feedback & 360 feedback
  • Relationships & Communication
  • Morale and Employee Engagement

I am qualified to use the Everything DiSC Toolbox to facilitate and deliver team workshops and 121 feedback sessions and integrate DiSC models and profiles into your current solutions – whether working virtually or in-person.

Using Everything DiSC® will:
Help people better understand their behaviour and how to meet their own individual needs
Help people to adapt their behaviour giving strategies to improve their workplace effectiveness
Provide a common language to help teams understand one another and work better together
Improve employee and workplace communication and engagement
Improve diversity and creativity
Reduce conflicts and avoids misunderstandings
Increase individual and organisation performance

Everything DiSC® identifies four primary dimensions of behaviour:

Dominance - Influence - Steadiness – Consciousness

Everyone is a blend of 4 styles and has a unique behavioural style.

DiSC® styles do not identify abilities or strengths. There is no right or wrong /pass or fail. A style demonstrates priorities or behavioural style.

Each profile is based on this circumplex model but the priority words around the outside are different for each one.

For more information visit Everything DiSC - what is DiSC? and contact me to discuss how it can help your recruitment, teamwork and communication.


Here’s what some of our customers had to say...

“Julia has been a prolific recruiter for us and has always managed to deliver highly professional candidates who have gone on to become valued members of the team. She is fantastic to deal with, an excellent communicator and has always been completely open and honest in all her dealings with us. I would highly recommend her services and really appreciate all the work she has done for Queen's Lane Consultants, London.”

Zeb C | September 2021

"Julia very quickly understood our company culture and the filtering of candidates that she has brought to us has been truly excellent. She has shown considerable acumen in identifying candidates with a very unusual combination of attributes that precisely fitted what we needed. She is also completely committed in everything that she does. We will continue to work with Julia."

Hugo / October 2011

"It might sound funny, but it took me a whole month to write this text. Not because I struggled with writing, but because I really could not find the words to truly describe Julia’s character and professional abilities.

I am Reza, a PhD in Mechanical Engineering with years of work experience. I was looking for a new job, yet feeling very hesitant about making a decision. A few months ago, when I connected with Julia, I shared my expectations, my personality, and the kind of work environment I was seeking. Julia found me a position that matched everything I wanted. Throughout the entire process, she followed up step by step, making sure everything was progressing smoothly between me and my new role. Now, about a month into my job, I am genuinely glad I trusted her advice and chose her recommendation among all the offers and people I encountered.

Julia is truly a talented professional with an exemplary work ethic, dedicated to being responsive and offering guidance. I strongly recommend following her advice and suggestions without any hesitation, as her recommendations are based on your true strengths. Thank you, Julia, and I wish you success and growth in your career."

Reza | November 2024

“20 years ago, I had left university and moved to London to chase my Media dream. 3 months later I was back home at my parents (who had recently moved from Somerset), tail between my legs, not knowing anyone in this new area.

After numerous applications to jobs that had nothing to do with my degree, it was all getting a bit hopeless. Then I saw a job in recruitment with Julia, after having a great chat with Julia, she shocked me by saying I am not sure this is the job for you…..before adding - however I may just have a job that you would be perfect for, and told me about a job at the local radio station in Ludlow working in Media sales.

I wasn’t sure if sales was for me, however she gave me some fantastic tips before I went for interview.
Little did I realise then, that 20 years later I would be celebrating my work anniversary at Sunshine Radio - now covering 5 counties, and managing the whole digital platform.

Julia is an excellent career coach, and has that amazing ability to spot the skills that you actually never knew you had. I would recommend her to anyone - how could I not, it was her advice that shaped my career to date."

Simon | October 2024

"Julia is truly a talented professional with an exemplary work ethic, dedicated to being responsive and offering guidance. I strongly recommend following her advice and suggestions without any hesitation, as her recommendations are based on your true strengths. Thank you, Julia, and I wish you success and growth in your career."

"Julia is an excellent career coach, and has that amazing ability to spot the skills that you actually never knew you had. I would recommend her to anyone - how could I not, it was her advice that shaped my career to date."

"Highly recommend Julia. Julia found me a great role with a fantastic, forward thinking, exciting company that she has worked with for years. She provided a first class service, ensuring I was kept informed of progress at all times and maintaining communication throughout- including out of hours."