How to show you are passionate in a job interview
Working Solutions help prepare you for that all important meeting: the interview with a prospective employer.
1. Prepare, prepare, prepare!
Do some research about the company you are going to see, either via the internet or by asking around in the industry. Do you know anyone who has worked there or who works in the same industry ? If so, seek their opinion.Make a short list of questions and have them ready in the interview. Most interviewers will invite questions at some point. Make them relevant and suitable for the level of the job.Practising the interview beforehand can be helpful. Get a partner or friend to role-play the interviewer. Give them a few ideas on the areas you want to emphasise and those you feel you may be weak on and concentrate on these.
2. Being there
Travel arrangements are vital for the success of any interview, DON'T BE LATE! Make sure you know exactly where the interview is occurring and ideally the name (or at least job title) of the person conducting the interview. Some organisations have several sets of premises within a small area. Make sure you know which one to go to, if necessary by asking the interviewer to post or email you a map.
3. Dress the part
First impressions count! You have between 7 and 30 seconds to make a good impression. Dress appropriately! Appropriate is probably the most important word here. Different industries have different expectations and dress codes - a male candidate with a pony-tail would not be frowned on in an IT or graphic design interview, whereas they may be in a more formal setting. However, society is becoming more flexible and varied in its dress codes, and there is less and less need to conform. Having a good shower and brushing your teeth is probably the best advice! After that, dress in a way that makes you feel comfortable, within the limits of appropriateness.
4. Answer the question
It may sound silly, but you'd be surprised how many people don't actually answer what's asked. They often hear a key word and go deviating off-topic, completely forgetting what they were talking about by the time they've finished. While showing eloquence and confidence, it may drop you points on attention to detail, relevance, and listening skills. It's important to take your time, and if necessary, repeat part of the question back to your interviewer to confirm you've understood it. No-one minds if you take a couple of seconds to think, it's more beneficial for everyone to give a well-thought through answer, rather than rushing something because you want to answer quickly.
5. Asking the right questions
Asking questions of your interviewer is expected now and it can be quite daunting. Research the company well and look at resources as to the best interview questions you can ask and make them relevant for the job you are interviewing for. Make sure you have them prepared and they are valuable to both you and the interviewer to get a gauge of your interest in the company and the role.
6. Ask for the job
Many people leave an interview without making it clear whether they are interested in the role. Assuming you want the job, you should say so, with enthusiasm. The company may well discuss how keen the competing candidates were on the role. Where other aspects are similar, your keenness may swing it. Every company likes to make job offers to people they believe will accept.
7. At the end
Thank your interviewer(s), by name if possible, shaking their hand and looking into their eyes, as this helps make a good final impression. Be confident, you've probably done really well!