Assessment & Psychometrics

Personal Profile Analysis forms:

  • Assess the person
  • Identifies frustrations and stresses
  • Details motivators and fears
  • Less than 10 minutes to complete
  • Both software and manual interpretation

Benefits of using the system include:

  • Increases performance levels and reduces costs by identifying the best job fit to match organisational and team culture.
  • Unique, 10 minutes to assess a person - saves screening costs and management time.
  • Links human resource strategy to business strategy, identifying HR strengths and limitations and maximising results.
  • Reduces subjectivity, resulting in better selection and return on staff and management investment.
  • In conjunction with Thomas TST identifies leaders and high flyers.
  • Highlights training needs resulting in savings on training costs.
  • Inexpensive to use - pay as you go system - no licence fee.
  • Reports easy to understand, written by managers for managers.
  • Ipsative test, proven over 20 years in the UK with an extensive record of criterion validity studies.

The PPA System & Thomas Key software reports provide:

Written Assessments

Assess the individual's self image, work strengths, self motivation and comment on job emphasis, frustration and the ideal boss.


Provide penetrating interview questions for management, sales or administrative/technical functions.


  • Management abilities
  • Sales potential
  • Administration/Technical competence

Strengths and Limitations

Provide a management summary of special strengths and possible limitations in the form of bullet points.

How to Manage

Provides hints and tips for management. It explains what form of supervision is most likely to be effective in terms of motivation, communication, support, delegation and disciplining.

Training Needs

Describes a person, identifies competence, weaknesses and training needs

Team Audit

Allows an organisation to identify the ideal team culture, assess an actual team culture and promote a gap analysis in terms of behavioural and role fit shortfall. It also assesses every team member against the team culture.

Executive Summary

Provides a comprehensive report in bullet points relating to a person's characteristics and is designed for busy executives and managers.

Career Guidelines

Provide a self-image of the person, work strengths, self-motivation, job emphasis and simple career guidelines.

Assess a Job (HJA)

Provides a description of the behavioural requirements of a job.

Job and Person Comparison

Describes the job requirements and gives comments on the strengths and weaknesses of a candidate when compared with a particular job.

Computer Scoring

Allows the user to input both PPA and HJA response line by line to generate scores and/or graphs.

Thomas International (DISC)

Julia is a qualified HR practitioner (CIPD) and undertakes Skills Analysis, CV advice and interview coaching for candidates and clients. 

Trained and licensed to use Thomas International Psychometric Personality (DISC) and Ability Profiling as well as EQ.